So… This is the Beginning.



plural noun: beginnings
  • the point in time or space at which something starts.
    This is the beginning, of a revolution? Probably not. But this blog is the beginning of something, my goal for this blog isn’t to be the most popular.  My aim is to inspire and raise awareness. For a completely plant based lifestyle that will not only alter your health in the most positive way possible, but it will change your state of mind, your ability to appreciate nature for everything that it is, your ability to love YOURSELF and YOUR BODY!
    I’m a living testimonial.
    After spending most of my life on the “typical western diet’ at the ripe age of 12 I decided to become vegetarian, even as a little kid I had an interest in the food industry, at age 14, last year, I watched the documentary entitled ‘Earthlings’, which you can watch here.  That film changed the way I looked at animals, animal abuse, human superiority over other Earthlings ect. After that, I decided to do my part by spreading awareness of the film and all the beautiful benefits of the vegetarian lifestyle.
    Now, at age 15, I’m starting this blog.
    Welcome to Body. Soul. Fruit
    hi me– xo,

                                                                                  Naomi Rachel
    Siena –
    Andrea -youtube,com/user/andreaschoice